回到 1980 - 重拾經典老滋味 Back to the 80’s – the old classic taste on the palate
AIML local workshop希望藉著一個櫥窗展示,把時針撥回80年代,與港人一同懷緬過去,延續你我他的集體回憶......
Ice Café carries the collective memory of many Hongkongers....
Popular since the 1980’s, the Ice Café (or Ice Room, or Bing Sutt), which is the predecessor of Cha Chaan Teng, somehow, had become the place must-go for Hongkongers when taking a tea break in the mid-day, whether to enjoy a glass of red beans ice, snacks, ice-cream, ...etc.
With the fast pace of urban reconstruction and real estate development projects turning Hong Kong into a modern city, our Ice Cafe has been gradually vanishing in the bustling city of Hong Kong during the flow of re-development and new development.
We are the local workshop team under AIML, and we have come up with the idea of creating a show window in our office neighbourhood (Fo Tan, Shatin) with the objective to reminisce and carry on part of a collective memory of you and me as Hongkongers.

Besides, to bring back the classic mannequin design, we adopted puppet dolls during the character selection, as puppetry was the thing in the 80’s of Hong Kong.
位於沙田火炭區啲山尾街冰室 ,整個櫥窗由設計概念,至物料選用、製作、項目執行等等,都是由workshop team設計師及工程師團隊精心炮製,希望帶大家進入時光隧道,一同重拾香港80年代之一點回憶。
This Show Window, located in Fo Tan, Shatin, featuring the nostalgic Ice Cafe in the 1980's of Hong Kong, is a complete creation by our workshop team comprising Design and R&D, from design concept to material selection, crafting, production, project execution, etc., hoping to connect everyone to recollect the memories of Hong Kong in the 1980s.

Stay tuned!